I just won a Fearless award?! I thought the email might have been a scam or a wind up but it’s actually true!! Olly from Canterbury has his photo recognised amongst the world’s best photographers! It’s genuinely a career highlight. I can retire happy (in a few decades…) I’ve been entering photos to Fearless for a good few years now getting some finalist places or commendations but never thinking that an award would come. As a creative you always question whether your work, your edit, your composition or your capturing of moments is good enough. Wow. On a dark Wednesday afternoon in lockdown January 2021 this has put a huge smile on my face! I’ll always be the photographer who photographs moments for the couple that I’m working for, awards are a brucey bonus, but this is a good feeling… Like the feeling when I saw a boy asleep outside as I was about to leave a wedding in Littlebourne! Since I posted about the award the boy’s Mum contacted me to say that this photo perfectly sums him up. His nickname is “Door-mouse” as he always seems to find somewhere to curl up and nap! What will I do next? Well, I’m definitely not going to change my style and my approach. I’ll always be about the moments and i’ll always love to shoot in a documentary style. This award certainly has kick started my 2021 with lots of excitement to be able to get shooting again very soon! Now for a celebratory takeaway with Kirsty!
Priyanca Rao Wedding Photography