Simon & Suzy’s Wedding at Salomons Estate in Tunbridge Wells

Hi! I'm Olly, an award-winning wedding photographer, working in Kent, London, the U.K and overseas. I'd love to chat. Feel free to connect using the links below.



The Science Theatre at Salomons Estate was a stunning backdrop for Simon & Suzy’s ceremony! Incredibly tall ceilings, a stage for the Bride and Groom to stand on and great vantage points for myself and James to get some shots. Something quite funny happened in the afternoon- just the Bride, Groom and myself knew about a spitfire flyover happening at 4.30pm so we got all 130 guests in for a big photo so I could capture their reactions to the flyover when it came. I got a whisper in my ear as I was just about to start the group photo that the plane was delayed and would be another 5-7 minutes! I had to drag out the group photo for so long! “Ok, let’s have another big photo with everyone punching the air”…. “Right- let’s have another photo of everyone cheering”….”oh no- one of those photos was out of focus, let’s try again”…. My relief when the spitfire came was substantial. Normally I’m more about getting the formal photos done quick rather than dragging them out!! I hope you enjoy this selection of the best photographs from the day.

All of the moments, none of the fuss